秩父の閃亜鉛鉱 Sphalerite from Chichibu

埼玉県秩父市中津川 秩父鉱山 大黒鉱床
Daikoku Deposit in Chichibu Mine, Nakatsugawa, Chichibu City, Saitama, Japan
幅 width 80 mm / 重さ weight 338 g



Many black sphalerite crystals pile up. Sphalerite is in Japanese Sen-Aen-Ko, which means "flashing zinc ore". This is true because this specimen shows random flashing from many crystal faces, when slowly moving a point of view. White crystals are calcite (CaCO3) and brown lumps are probably siderite or ankerite (Ca(Fe2+,Mg)(CO3)2), which is a mineral similar to dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2) but a part of magnesium is replaced with iron. Small rhombic arsenopyrite is also seen. Paragenesis of sulfide and carbonate minerals is common in a skarn deposit like Chichibu. In Daikoku deposit, a hydrothermal process creates veins and chimney-shape deposits after ordinary skarn mineralization. Gold string and bournonite were found in this Daikoku deposit.