染付 鶴丸唐草文 Round Crane

江戸中期 Mid-Edo era
口径 width 50 mm / 高さ height 56 mm


あと直径 5 mm くらいのヒッツキがあるのが、この猪口のおもしろいところである。釉薬がかかっているので、成形後にキズがついてそれを応急的に粘土をくっつけて直したか、素焼き後に直したか、詳細は不明だが、これも江戸の人々の寛容さをあらわしているのかもしれない。

The round crane, which is used as a logo of Japan Airlines, is a traditional design that is not seldom seen in old Imari ware. There are three birds and they are not very deformed. The arabesque pattern is also written carefully. The characters at the bottom read Fu-Ki-Cho-Shun (wealth forever), which was seen in much older Chinese porcelains. This cup is probably a product around the end of the 18th century, and has an atmosphere of a new style of Imari cups after the 18th century nozoki cups.

It is interesting that there is a mending of about 5 mm size. This is not a flaw after firing because it is glazed. This may show tolerance of people in Edo period.