方鉛鉱・閃亜鉛鉱 Galena, Sphalerite

秋田県鹿角市 尾去沢鉱山
Osarizawa Mine, Kazuno City, Akita, Japan
幅 width 40 mm / 重さ weight 70 g




My encounter with minerals was a small piece of pyrite in my house. I am not sure that was the beginning of my interest in mineral, but mines and oilfields were always essential parts of an imaginary map in my childhood. I would like to show some of my collection of (mainly Japanese metallic) minerals in this blog.

This is a small specimen but the crystal sizes of galena and sphalerite are not small. The latter may be a kind of cleiophane, which is browny and transparent. Osarizawa is a big mine in Akita prefecture that used to produce copper, lead and zinc from 400 to 500 veins. A part of the mining tunnel is open for public as a museum.
