茨城県自然博物館を再訪 Ibaraki Nature Museum
I went to Ibaraki Nature Museum after a year and a half since the last visit. The above rock is a huge specimen from lithium pegmatite at Myokenzan, Hitachi-Ohta City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. There are green and pink lithium rich minerals.
上の写真は妙見山のリチウムペグマタイトの巨大な標本。研磨された上面の広さは畳2枚分近くある。ここで産出した鉱物については櫻井欽一、他「茨城県妙見山のリチウムペグマタイト中の鉱物について」(岩石鉱物鉱床学会誌、72巻 1号、1977)にくわしい。ピンクや緑、藍色などの鉱物はリチウムを含んだ電気石や雲母で、これらは日本では岩手県の崎浜、福岡県の長垂などごく限られた産地しか知られていない。妙見山の露頭は現在は自治体によって保護されているが、40年以上前の櫻井らの論文にも書かれているように、一部の脈は乱掘によってあとかたもなくなっているそうだ。そういう意味ではこうして公共の博物館で「露頭観察」できるのは望ましいことだ。鉱物鑑賞は趣味として楽しいけれども、研究用に小片を採取するぐらいならまだしも、欲に任せて再生不可能な鉱脈を不法に略奪する輩が今も昔も後をたたないことは、人間のもっとも醜い部分を見せつけられた気がして、恥ずかしい。
I mainly looked at displays of Ibraraki's geology, animals and plants, which I missed at the last visit. The above photo shows a rock from Myokenzan lithium pegmatite, which is one of a few localities in Japan producing elbaite and lepidolite (see K. Sakurai et al. "Some Minerals in Lithium Pegmatite from Myokenzan, Ibaraki Prefecture", 1977). The original site is protected at present but a part of the outcrops has been completely destroyed due to illegal collection, as is reported by Sakurai's paper in 1977. It is meaningful that a public facility displays such a big specimen by which we can observe the occurrence of rare minerals. Mineral collection is an enjoyable hobby. However, it is shameful that some people always tend to make a reckless collection of nonrenewable resources.
There are many Ibaraki's local mineral specimens.
Rhodochrosite (Takatori Mine, Shirosato Town, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan). It would be rare to see this purplish red transparent rhombohedron of rhodochrosite.
Chalcedony (Kitatomita, Daigo Town, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan).
I looked around the main exhibition rooms too. Ibaraki Nature Museum has many large mineral specimens such as stibnite from Ichinokawa, sulfur from Sicily, and amazonite from USA. Some of them may be greater than those displayed at National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo.
Stibnite from Ichinokawa Mine, Saijo City, Ehime Prefecture, Japan. This is perhaps one of the biggest existent stibnite single crystals. There is another stibnite cluster from Ichinokawa next to this piece.
Sulfur crystals probably from Sicily, Italy. Gorgeous.
Amazonite probably from Colorado, USA. Definitely museum size.
特別展「宮沢賢治と自然の世界〜石・星・生命をめぐる旅」も見学した。賢治の文学作品の抜粋と関連する標本とを並列して展示するなど、趣向をこらした、盛りだくさんな展示内容だった。金石舎の鉱物・宝石標本があって興味をひいた。以前、旧金石舎標本という手書きのメモ書きが添えられた孔雀石をヤフオクで手に入れたが、あれは本当に由緒正しきものだったんだろうか。会期は 2020年 2月 20日までなので、訪れてみてはいかが。
I also visited the special exhibition on the world of Kenji Miyazawa and nature. Kenji was a novelist and poet lived from 1896 to 1933. He loved minerals and rocks as well as other creation in nature. Extract from his works and relating specimens were shown in parallel. There were mineral and gem specimens sold at Kinsekisha, Tokyo. I have shown a piece of malachite with a handwritten label saying that it was bought at Kinsekisha, but I still wonder if it was a genuine specimen.
Public bus transportation is available from Atago Station, Tobu Noda Line, and from Moriya Station, Kanto Tetsudo Joso Line or Tsukuba Express Line.
- 茨急バス「野田市駅・愛宕駅 ⇔ 岩井車庫」。おおむね1時間に1本程度。 Ibakyu Bus. Approximately once an hour.
- 愛宕駅 Atago Station
- 自然博物館入口 Museum(博物館まで徒歩10分くらい。10 minutes walk to Museum.)
- 関東鉄道バス「急行ばんどう線:岩井 ⇔ 守谷駅」時刻表。博物館開館中は実質1日2本しか走っていない。 Kan-Tetsu Bus. Twice a day.
- 守谷駅西口 Moriya Station West Gate(岩井行きでないと博物館まで行かないので注意. The bus doesn't go to Museum unless the destination is Iwai.)
- 自然博物館入口 Museum (博物館まで徒歩5分くらい、茨急バスのバス停とは離れている。 5 minutes walk to Museum. Different from Ibakyu bus stop.)