尾去沢の孔雀石 Malachite from Osarizawa

秋田県鹿角市 尾去沢鉱山 Osarizawa Mine, Kazuno City, Akita, Japan
標本幅 width 60 mm / 重さ weight 65 g 



It is rare to see a thick and pure malachite in Japan because it has long been extinct. Malachite specimens from Ani and Arakawa mines in the same Akita prefecture are relatively well known and displayed in some museums (eg. National Museum of Nature and Science in Ueno and Geological Museum in Tsukuba). I found this specimen at an internet auction, feeling a little uncertainty about the locality...

The size is small but the texture is beautiful like Congolese one. The pipe-like (stalactic) morphology is similar to the previous pyrite (marcasite) specimen. There is a concentric ring pattern. The label says the previous possessor obtained at Kinseki-Sya, a legendary gem and mineral shop at Kanda, Tokyo, that had a relation with Kenji Miyazawa and Otokichi Nagashima.


  • 和田八重造、粟津秀幸「原色日本鉱物図譜」(松邑三松堂、1936年)は阿仁鉱山産の孔雀石の写真を掲載しているが、当時からしてすでに「良品がないので(顔料等の)原料をアメリカから輸入」していると記している。 (2020年10月)