小坂鉱山 Kosaka Mine
Kosaka refinery viewed from the mine shrine. The ore deposits were located behind (Motoyama) and on the left side (Uwamuki and Uchinotai).
I travelled around Hokuroku area (the northeastern part of Akita prefecture), where many metal mines were active especially from the late 19th century to early 20th century and they pushed Japanese industry. Here is a report on one of those metal mines, Kosaka.
Kosaka mine is located in Kosaka Town, Kazuno County. It is close to Kosaka Interchange of Tohoku Highway, and easy to come from Odate Noshiro Airport by Akita Highway. There was a railway to Odate but it has been discontinued. Kosaka is the only Town/Village in Kazuno County. There were many Towns and Villages but they have been unified into Kazuno City but Kosaka where DOWA Holdings (former Fujita-Gumi and Dowa Mining Co., Ltd.) greatly drives economy.
小坂町立総合博物館「郷土館」 Kosaka Local Museum
A considerable part of the museum’s display relates to Kosaka mine, which is known as a representative kuroko mine. From the end of Edo to the beginning of Meiji periods (mid 19c), doko (“soil” ores composed of secondary minerals after kuroko) was mined to get silver and other metals. Kuroko is a complex sedimental ore body composed of sphalerite, galena, and many other minerals, but the miners at that time didn’t recognize its value because they didn’t know the way of smelting.
Doko specimens in the museum.
Kuroko specimens. Kuroko ores are classified into black, yellow, and silicic ores, which are mainly composed of sphalerite/galena, chalcopyrite/pyrite, and quartz, respectively.
官営だった小坂鉱山は1884年藤田組に払い下げられるが、土鉱はすぐに尽きた。そこで大量にある黒鉱を利用すべく、研究の末、ついに製錬法を見出し、以後、大々的に銅山として発展した。主力の元山鉱床は地表に近かったため、露天掘りを採用した。鉱床をとりまく山肌を大きくすり鉢状に掘り、黒鉱・黄鉱・珪鉱をねこそぎ採取した。元山を掘り尽くすと、鉱石の供給元は支山である花岡鉱山にうつり、小坂は製錬所として発展した。戦後、元山の南方 2 km ほどのところの地下に上向鉱床や内の岱鉱床が発見され、こちらは坑道掘りされた。採掘を終了したのは1990年、いまから約30年前のことである。現在は、廃棄物からレアメタルを含む多種類の金属を抽出するリサイクル事業が主力である。都市鉱山ということばもあるとおり、電子機器その他のさまざまな廃棄物はまさに現代の黒鉱といえ、その製錬事業はDOWAグループの面目躍如といったところだろう。また元山の露天掘り跡は、廃棄物の最終処分場として利用される予定である。
Kosaka was managed by the government at first but sold to Fujita-Gumi in 1884, when doko was about to be exhausted. The company succeeded in utilizing the abundant kuroko after investigation of the smelting method. Motoyama kuroko deposit was developed by opencast mining. After Motoyama was completed, the ores were transported from Hanaoka mine in Odate City, and Kosaka developed as a refinery. After the Pacific War, Uwamuki and Uchinotai deposits were found near Motoyama, but the mining activity was completed in 1990. DOWA Holdings becomes a company producing metals (including rare metals) from waste materials. Motoyama area is used for a disposal site.
A cross section of Motoyama deposit. The ore body is about 100 m in width by 50 m in depth in this figure, and black, yellow and silicic ores exist from east to west.
A diorama of Motoyama opencast mining site.
An old photo of miners at Motoyama.
The display in Kosaka Local Museum is well organized and good for tourists.
旧小坂鉱山事務所 Former Kosaka Mine Office
Built in 1905, the mine office was moved from the refinery area to “Meiji 100-year” street where tourists facilities such as Kosaka Rail Park and Korakukan theater gather, and has become a national heritage. The appearance implies that the company did a successful business probably because they operated opencast mining that is cheaper than tunnel mining.
Former Fujita-Gumi changed the character of “saka” in Kosaka from the original one “坂” to “阪” that was the same as Osaka, hoping that Kosaka became an economically successful city like Osaka.
The building is used as a museum and a shop. The museum focuses on cultural aspect of Kosaka in contrast to Kosaka Local Museum rather focusing on scientific aspect. Meiji government invited foreign engineers to promote Japanese mining industry late in the 19th century. In the case of Kosaka, a German metallurgist Curt Netto came to design a refinery. According to a book written by a local writer Hiroshi Takase, Netto got a salary as much as a cabinet minister, lived at a specially designed gorgeous residence where a young local woman lived with for housework, and they had a daughter during his four-year stay in Kosaka.
A photographic portrait of Curt Netto. He was 26 years old in arriving at Kosaka.
小坂鉱山と製錬所 Kosaka Mine and Refinery
Kosaka refinery is still active and we cannot enter the former mining site. There is the mine shrine on a hill (see the photo at the top). In the early 20th century when the mine was most active, there were no trees in the mountains because of smoke pollution. Troubles about compensation for crop failure occurred between the local farmers and the company. The company, on the other hand, constructed electric and water equipments, schools, hospitals, and theaters. People were proud of the mine but some had mixed feelings.
The main street across old factory buildings.
The mine shrine. There was Motoyama deposit around the bank.
当社発祥の地 小坂を、春夏秋冬豊かな自然の息吹きと、力強い地球の鼓動を聞くために、覆土植栽を施し、再び開発することなく「ふるさと秋田」にふさわしい、モデル地区にすることを宣言いたします。
同和鉱業株式会社 代表取締役社長 吉川広和(署名)