曲面を有する黄鉄鉱 Pyrite with Curved Surfaces
黄鉄鉱 Pyrite
標本幅 width 50 mm / 重さ weight 77 g
An example of the so-called Ashio's pyrite with curved surfaces, which is considered to be a result of parallel growth of pyrite mixed with marcasite. The surface looks like a tree bark or mica. The color is whiter than standard pyrite. I don't know if it crystalized as pyrite and then changed to marcasite, or vice versa. Anyway, this type of pyrite is not rare in Ashio.
つぎの標本は、別産地の曲面黄鉄鉱である。 Next one is also an example of pyrite with curved surfaces.
黄鉄鉱 Pyrite
標本幅 width 60 mm / 重さ weight 124 g
立方体っぽい結晶が2つくっついているように見えるが、実際は多数の直方体の寄せ集めで、表面が段々になっているところも足尾産とおなじ。非常に古い標本で、付属したラベルの採集年「45」は西暦でなく明治45年(1912年 = 大正元年)かもしれない。長い年月が経っているだけに、やや黒ずんでいるが、結晶面の強い輝きは損なわれていない。白鉄鉱や黄鉄鉱は分解しやすい、といわれるが、この標本は結晶がよほどしっかりしているのか。遊泉寺鉱山は尾小屋鉱山の支山で、明治〜大正年間にかけて銅が採掘された。裂罅充填型の鉱脈鉱床だった。
It is composed of two deformed pyrite cubes, each having the same characteristics as Ashio's specimen. The date it was collected may be Meiji 45th (1912), not 1945. The surface is getting black, but the luster is still strong. Yusenji is one of hydrothermal veins in Ogoya mining district.
そしてこれも別産地の例。 This is also from a different locality.
黄鉄鉱 Pyrite
標本幅 width 60 mm / 重さ weight 237 g
This pyrite was said to be found in a clay zone around the kuroko deposit of Nurukawa. Nurukawa mine is located at the north-west of Namariyama mine, in the west side of Lake Towada. The deposit was searched in the beginning of 1980s based on the knowledges about kuroko at that time. The black ores were mined for about 10 years but the mine was closed in 1994.
The above three examples are similar in morphology but the deposit types are different, suggesting that this kind of pyrite (marcasite) is ubiquitous. Therefore, pyrite with curved surfaces must be found everywhere in the world, but it seems not after my net search. It would be rare in fact or people might not just recognize its value. Sunagawa Ichiro wrote in Journal of Geography that pyrite with curved surfaces was not very beautiful. I think it has a beautiful crystal shape.