釜石鉱山 Kamaishi Mine
I visited a part of Sanriku area, from Kamaishi to Kesen-numa Cities. First, I introduce Kamaishi mine and ores. The above picture is a view of Kamaishi bay from near the statue of Kamaishi Dai-Kannon. In Kamaishi City, you will see displays of iron ores (magnetite) from Kamaishi mine at several places, which are guaranteed to attract one or two magnets (e.g. the right black one).
釜石鉱山の事務所だった建物が鉱山跡に残されているので、まずはそこを訪れる。釜石駅からJR釜石線で(所要 25 分)、または岩手県交通のバスで(所要 40 分)、陸中大橋駅まで行き、そこから 10 分少々歩くと目的の地に到着。この建物は、現在は釜石市が運営する資料館になっており、釜石鉱山とその周辺の町の歴史を、さまざまな展示品をとおして知ることができる。
There is a building at Kamaishi mine that was used as the main office. It takes about 25 minutes by train from Kamaishi station of JR line, or 40 minutes by bus from the same place, to (Rikuchu) Ohashi station, and a 10 minute walk from there leads to the former office. The building is open for public as a museum of Kamaishi mine.
The white building is the former office. The left was the place of the ore dressing facility. A mound of debris is seen in the right.
A relief map of Kamaishi mine viewed from the south east. The deposits are in the upper part in this picture.
The ore deposits were created by contact of Paleozoic limestone unit and magma. The main ore was magnetite. A large copper ore deposit was also found after the war. All the mining activities terminated by 2001. The mine company now produces mineral water.
In the past, there was an iron manufacturing facility at the same place, using abundant charcoal from the forest around there. Hashino iron smelting site was selected as the world heritage (I didn't visit at this time). The modern iron manufacture began at the place of Kamaishi Works, Nippon Steel & Sumtomo Metal, in front of Kamaishi station, which has been the main industry of Kamaishi, but the fire of the blast furnace was extinguished in 1989. The company still produces a special kind of steel and also generates electricity.
わたしの興味は鉱物標本にあるが、世界の鉄鉱石など、この資料館はやはり「鉄」のコレクションが充実している。とくに木枠のガラスケースにはいった磁鉄鉱の標本は、さすがは鉱山所有の逸品であり、これだけの大きさの結晶(最大で 5 cm に達するか)はなかなか他ではお目にかかれないであろう。磁鉄鉱というとふつう正八面体の結晶を思い浮かべるが、釜石ではこの例のように、むしろ菱形十二面体を基調としたものが多いようだ(たとえば和田維四郎著「日本鉱物誌」、木股三善・宮野敬編「原色新鉱物岩石検索図鑑」など参照)。
My interest at the museum was of course minerals. The magnetite specimen in a glass case was particularly great, which was owned by the mining company. Such a great specimen (the maximum crystal size is probably 5 cm) is difficult to see in any other museums in Japan. In Kamaishi mine, the crystal tends to form a rhombic dodecahedron, not a more familiar octahedron.
Entering the museum at a quiet place surrounded by mountains, I felt as if to travel back in time to 1950s. There are many interesting displays of not only minerals and ores but a school room at the mining town, the telephone operator's room, rock drills, fine arts, etc. This is a place worth visiting in Kamaishi.
In Kamaishi area, a rounded magnetite pebble (bei-tetsu or mochi-tetsu in Japanese) is famous, which was also displayed in the museum. So, I tried to find it at a nearby river, Kasshi-gawa river. The stream was so rapid around Ohashi station that there were few flat places. However, I found some stones that attracted a magnet.
採集品は幅 8 cm で重さは 247 グラム。本来の餅鉄はもうちょっとつるっとして黒光りしているが、ここはまだ川の上流部なので「熟成度」が低いのかもしれない。川の流れにもまれることで、不純物がそげ落ちて鉄の品位があがるため、古来たたら製鉄の原料として重宝されたそうである。
The pebble in the above is 8 cm in width and 247 g in weight. A real bei-tetsu (or mochi-tetsu) has a smoother surface and a blacker luster. It is probably not yet matured because the place is too close to the original outcrop. Bei-tetsu is known to have been used to create a Japanese sword in the past.
The train to Kamaishi was out of service at that time because of typhoon's strong wind. The train for Tono and Hanamaki enters a tunnel soon after the departure from Ohashi, turns around inside the tunnel and runs on a hillside over the river in the opposite direction to prepare to cross a mountain pass.
釜石市が運営する別の施設、鉄の歴史館というのもあるので、それもご紹介する。まずは冒頭の写真の撮影地である釜石大観音に行った。バスの便があるが、時間節約のためタクシーを利用(駅から 1300 円ほど)。タクシー利用の恩恵として、本来徒歩(またはエスカレータ)で、観音様の立つ高台まで登るべきところを、上まで連れて行ってくれる。観音像の胎内をのぼると、釜石港や湾の向こうの外海までよく見える。過去の津波などで亡くなった方の霊をなぐさめる意味もこめて、釜石市内のお寺の住職が1970年に建立した観音様だそうだが、2011年の大震災でまた大津波の被害をみることになった。
観音から徒歩 10 分ほどで、別の高台に立つ鉄の歴史館に着く(途中、草の生えた駐車場みたいなところや階段を通る近道がある)。すごく立派な建物で、ラウンジや屋上展望台からの眺めがよい。館のなまえどおり、釜石の製鉄の歴史がパネルや映像で説明される。とくに30分おきにシアターで上映される映画(?)はよくできていて、幕末〜明治初期の高炉の実物大模型と連動したショー仕立てになっている。3階にあるアンモナイト化石の「壁」はすごい、の一言。1992年におこなわれた三陸・海の博覧会にあわせて、友好都市であるフランス・ディーニュの化石露頭のレプリカがつくられたのらしい。1980年代後半はバブル景気+地方博覧会ブームがあったが、その頃の熱気がつたわってくる感じがする。釜石は製鉄所(新日鉄住金→日本製鉄)の企業城下町の側面が強く、このような施設やその展示物にも、相当の企業協賛があるとおもわれる。
I'd like to add a guide to Kamaishi Historical Museum of Iron. First, I visited the statue of Kamaishi Dai-Kannon, built in 1970 by a priest of a temple in Kamaishi. There is a public bus service but I took a taxi (about 1300 yen from Kamaishi station). It takes about 10 minutes on foot to the museum from Kannon. The building of the museum is stylish. A view from the rooftop terrace is good. A movie to explain the history of iron making in Kamaishi is interesting, showing simultaneously with a full-scale model of the initial blast furnace moving. The ammonite wall is also impressive, which is a replica of fossil locality in Digne-les-Bains, France. This French city is a sister city of Kamaishi.
There were other reasons for me to visit Kamaishi, but that is another story.
参考: 地質標本館(つくば市)所蔵の釜石鉱山産磁鉄鉱。 こちらもなかなかの結晶サイズだが、結晶の形はおおむね正八面体である。
A magnetite specimen from Kamaishi mine (from collection of Geological Museum in Tsukuba city, Ibaraki prefecture). The crystal size is big, but the shape is rather octahedral.