松峰の黄銅鉱 Chalcopyrite from Matsumine

秋田県大館市 松峰鉱山
Matsumine Mine, Odate City, Akita, Japan
幅 width 70 mm / 重さ weight 177 g

細かい水晶とともに、光輝を放つ黄銅鉱の結晶が、標本のほぼ全面に着生する。結晶サイズは最大で 7 mm ほど。耳つき双晶がめだつ。立方体の小さな黄鉄鉱もみられる。


Shiny golden chalcopyrite crystallizes over a piece of host rock with fine crystals of quartz. The largest chalcopyrite is about 7 mm in size. Some of them form twins with "ears". There is also some small cubic pyrite. This is the fourth specimen from Matsumine mine in this blog. Everyone has fine beautiful crystals. As the Kuroko deposits of Matsumine mine underlie the Hokuroku basin, crystals have been well preserved without alternation due to water. Conversely, this is a less attractive locality for some people because of lack of secondary minerals.