ドライスラーの重晶石と黄銅鉱 Barite, Chalcopyrite from Dreislar
幅 width 100 mm / 重さ weight 420 g
Numbers of small chalcopyrite tetrahedrons are sprinkled over pink blades of barite. The pink color would be caused by manganese if it was calcite, but I am not certain this case. The locality is famous for this pink barite. There is a picture of barite from the same locality in a book written by Hidemichi Hori, which is far more beautiful than my collection. I found this specimen at Oherikosha, a mineral and fossil shop of long standing in Kyoto.
It is sad that Hidemichi Hori passed away last month. If my fever of mineral collection begun earlier, there might be a chance to see him.