足尾の板状黄銅鉱 Pseudotabular Chalcopyrite from Ashio
Size: 14 cm × 8 cm × 6.5 cm / Weight: 945 g
A piece of copper ore from a vein-type deposit in the Ashio mine comprises fairly large chalcopyrite crystals with unsmooth irregular faces, as is often found from Ashio. The crystal is mostly flattened, resembling a thick plate.
Various types of chalcopyrite have been known in the Ashio mine. Of particular interest is the one resembling a plate or a curved leaf, to which the present example will be categorized. Chalcopyrite generally has a little magnetism in the sense that it attracts a neodymium magnet very slightly. This pseudotabular chalcopyrite is exceptionally sensitive to a magnet. The dark color implies that a magnetic mineral might be spread over chalcopyrite. The unique crystal shape could be a result of pseudomorph after pyrrhotite, or it might be possible that strongly magnetic cubanite was included in this copper ore.
若林コレクションの板状黄銅鉱。From Wakabayashi collection.(No. II-258 etc., University Museum, University of Tokyo, Bulletin, No. 7, 1974年)
「日本の鉱物」(松原聰、Gakken 増補改訂フィールドベストガイド14、2009年)に掲載されている板状黄銅鉱。
スミソニアン博物館所蔵の板状もしくは葉状の標本。 An example from mineral collection of Smithsonian Museum.