染付 人物と漢詩 Man and Chinese Poem

19世紀はじめ Early 19c
口径 width 54 mm / 高さ height 62 mm


There are a Chinese man sitting under a tree and a Chinese poem in the margin. This design of a man under a tree is widely seen in oriental art.




The poem says a Chinese legendary hermit, Chang'e (see wikipedia), living in the Moon. From the end of Edo and Meiji periods, a thought prevailed to be hostile to and even despise China. However, people at the time when this Imari cup was made generally felt respect to China. In fact, the old Imari craftsmen in the 17th century aimed to imitate Chinese porcelain.


The mark at the bottom is called Konchu-Mon (a design of insect). This is frequently seen in soba-choko cups, but is probably rare in nozoki cups.