末広形の小猪口2種 Two Small Imari Cups
These Guangdong-type old Imari cups are characterized as a broadening shape toward the top with a vertical bottom part.
染付 小猪口 捻文 Twist Pattern
口径 top width: 72 mm / 高さ height: 51 mm / 高台径 bottom width: 45 mm
The twist pattern painted with dark and light blues is relatively common in old Imari wares. It looks like a flower (morning glory or magnolia?). The background off-white glaze suggests that it was baked without an unglazed baking process. It is similar to another bamboo-fence cup (see a picture at the end) and I guess they were made at the same age.
染付 小猪口 花文 Flower Pattern
口径 top width: 60 mm / 高さ height: 48 mm / 高台径 bottom width: 39 mm
An exceptionally small cup with six-fold flower patterns. There is also a flower mark at the bottom. Guangdong-type cups like this often have some small marks at the bottom. I think it was made in the end of the 18th century to the early 19th century.