細倉鉱山の蛍石 Fluorite from Hosokura
Size: 120 × 105 × 55 mm / Weight: 940 g
日本有数の鉛・亜鉛鉱山だった細倉鉱山の鉱石の破片。黒っぽい方鉛鉱・閃亜鉛鉱、および白っぽい蛍石(フローライト)が交互に沈殿・結晶化して縞状の鉱石を形成した。とくに適当な断面で切ると同心円状の縞々があらわれるものを輪鉱(ring ore)と呼び、この標本もそれに該当するだろう。この独特の見た目に加えて、そもそも鉱脈型の金属鉱床で蛍石を多量に産出するところはそれほど多くはないので、われわれ愛鉱家としてはちょっと見過ごすことのできない産物である。
A kind of ring ore mainly composed of white fluorite and black sphalerite and galena, which is a famous natural product from the Hosokura lead-zinc mine. It is attractive enough as fluorite is not very common in hydrothermal veins in Japanese metal mines. Fluorite is translucent and becomes bluish purple under a UV light. The outermost crust is fluorite that shows a botryoidal surface texture. Similar ring ores from the Obira mine, Oita, and the Akenobe mine, Hyogo, are shown in a Japanese book (Kameki Kinoshita, "coloured illustrations of economic minerals", Hoikusha, 1962).