花岡の石膏 Gypsum from Hanaoka
対角長さ diagonal length: 11.5 cm / 重さ weight: 190 g
透明な石膏の単結晶。ひし形の台形みたいな、あるいは金のインゴットを斜めにひしゃげたような、石膏結晶としてはもっとも典型的な形状をなす。大きさはかなりのものだが、花岡鉱山はこのような石膏の大結晶を多く産出したことで知られる。和田維四郎「日本鉱物誌」(改訂版、1916年)には主軸方向に 18 cm のものがあったと記されている。結晶面がほぼ完全にでているのが、この大きさにしては貴重である(ただし上の写真の反対側は劈開面)。傷だらけだが、石膏はモース硬度 2 のやわらか鉱物の代表なのでしかたない。佐藤伝蔵「大鉱物学・下巻」(1925年)によれば b(010) の劈開面の硬度は 1½ と、それと直交または斜角の方向の面よりやわらかいという。
A pretty large transparent single crystal of gypsum. Hanaoka was a famous kuroko metal mine and was also known in Japan as a locality of large gypsum crystals. Wada Tsunashiro wrote in Minerals of Japan (1916) that the biggest one was 18 cm in length.
The top face, b(010), is obscure as described by Wada's Minerals of Japan.
The bottom is a cleavage surface.
Kuroko (black ores) deposits often occur with gypsum deposits. I have already shown gypsum specimens from Matsumine and Shakanai, and also an example of anhydrite from Shakanai. As shown in the following cross section map, gypsum widely occurs near the black, yellow, and silicic ore bodies, the volume of the gypsum deposit being several times larger than the latter. The Hanaoka Mine produced gypsum as well as copper, zinc, and lead.
A cross section from south-west (Tsutsumizawa) to north-east (Nanatsudate) through the main ore deposit, Doyashiki, copied with some modification from "A field trip guide to Hanaoka Mine" for members of Geological Society of Japan (1954). Ore bodies are denoted by blue: 黒鉱 = black ores, 黄鉱 = yellow ores, 珪鉱 = silicic ores, 石膏 = gypsum. Others are denoted by red: 粘土 = clay, 緑色凝灰岩 = green tuff, 玄武岩質安山岩 = basaltic andesite, 沖積層 = alluvium.
According to "A field trip guide to Hanaoka Mine", the mining company classfied the ores into four groups, as shown in the following table with their estimated reserves as of 1953. These reserves increased a few years later because of discovery of the Matsumine deposit.
分類 class |
基準 criteria |
埋蔵量 reserve (103 t) |
黒鉱 black ore |
鉛品位 > 1.0% または亜鉛品位 > 2.5 % Lead content > 1.0% / Zinc content > 2.5% |
400 |
黄鉱 yellow ore |
銅品位 > 0.3% Copper content > 0.3% |
2940 |
硫化鉄鉱 iron sulfide |
いわゆる黄鉱、珪鉱中銅品位 < 0.3% で、硫化鉄硫黄品位 > 25% Copper content < 0.3% + Sulfer content > 25% |
5080 |
石膏 gypsum |
SO3品位 30 ∼ 45% で、硫化鉄硫黄品位 < 5% SO3 content 30 ∼ 45% + Sulfer content < 5% |
7060 |
日本最大の石膏単結晶といわれているのは地質標本館(つくば市)所蔵の島根県鵜峠(うど)鉱山産出のもので、長さ 73 cm ある。ここも黒鉱型の鉱床。そしてメキシコ・ナイカ鉱山の洞窟内の石膏は長さ 10 m にもおよぶ。