硬度による四面銅鉱の鑑定 Hardness Test for Fahlore
Fluorite from Illinois, USA, waiting for the challengers. A cleaved octahedron with a ridge length to 37 mm.
おこなうことができる、とあった。蛍石はモース硬度 4 の標準物質であるのに対して、
砒四面銅鉱の硬度は 4 ~ 4½、そして安四面銅鉱のそれは 3 ~ 4
Akira Kato wrote in his book, which I recently obtained at a mineral and fossil shop in Hakusan, Tokyo, that comparison of hardness of fluorite (the standard mineral of the Mors scale hardness: 4) and fahlore can tell whether the fahlore is arsenic-rich tennantite (hardness: 4 ~ 4½) or antimony-rich tetrahedrite (hardness: 3 ~ 4). As I didn't have a suitable fluorite, I went to the shop again and obtained a piece of fluorite that might be too beautiful to be used for the hardness test.
1. 蛍石 vs 安四面銅鉱 Fluorite vs. Tetrahedrite
Tetrahedrite from the Casapalca mine, Peru.
The winner was fluorite. Granular tetrahedrite remained on the fluorite's cleavage surface. No scratch on fluorite. There is a big difference.
2. 蛍石 vs 砒四面銅鉱 Fluorite vs. Tennantite
Tennantite from the Hanaoka mine, Odate city, Akita, Japan.
This specimen came to me without a label. I am not fully confident of the species.
結晶のシャープな角っこをこすりつけたら、蛍石にキズがついた。ルースな部分をこすっても勝負は判然としなかった。1 の標本よりも硬いことは感覚的にもわかった。最終確認は元素分析とかしないとダメなんだろうけど、これでこの標本が砒四面銅鉱である可能性はかなり高まったといえる。
The winner was tennantite, though the difference was not so great. It was a pity that tennantite made a scratch on fluiorite. The probability that this fahlore is arsenic rich increased, though the final conclusion cannot be made without ultimate analysis.
3. エキシビション: 蛍石 vs 黄銅鉱 Exhibition match: Fluorite vs. Chalcopyrite
黄銅鉱のモース硬度は 3½ ~ 4 なので、蛍石には負けるはず。花岡の砒四面銅鉱標本の黄銅鉱部分と勝負させると、やはり蛍石には負けた。
As chalcopyrite's hardness is 3½ ~ 4, it will be defeated by fluiorite. Experiment showed that fluorite was harder than the crystalized part of chalcopyrite in the tennantite specimen.
寸評 Comments
The experiment showed me that hardness test is an easy and a useful method to tell the mineral species. It will be meaningful to have various srandard minerals at hand. The hardness can be different at different crystal faces and different directions. Kyanite is the most notable example that has different hardness along different directions. In the present case it will be important to use a fresh cleaved face of fluorite because it has less defect and hardness is always the same.
From an old book by Denzo Sato ("The great mineralogy", Rokumeikan, 1925). From right to left, the hardness curves of calcite, halite, and fluorite on some crystal faces. The hardness is variable even on a cleaved surface of fluorite.