ドライスラーの苦灰石と黄銅鉱 Dolomite and Chalcopyrite from Dreislar
標本幅 width: 8 cm / 重さ weight: 130 g
This is a sample of dolomite and chalcopyrite co-occurring on a barite plate from the same locality as I showed previously. As such a combination is rare in Japan, I can't help getting it in my hands.
Barite on the back side.
I found some crystals that are rare for me such as thin platy ones and a V-shaped penetration twin. As I couldn't measure the angle of crystal surfaces, further investigation will be needed.
A V-shaped twin? A twining with ears is common in Japanese chalcopyrite, but this type is unusual.
Probably an octagonal thin plate with the largest surface being c(001)?