のぞき猪口の用途 The use of nozoki-type Imari cups
Nozoki-type Imari cups are said to be used as containers for sashimi sauce. I saw an interesting reference that shows how the Edo-period people used such small cups.
I found an description about the use of old Imari small cups in a book, Kozara Mamezara (Small and Tiny Plates), Hoiku-Sha, 1975, written by Miyoshi Hajime. According to his book, the word of choko (small cup) is found in the literature from 1650s. It was recorded in a menu in 1710 that a tall choko was served with a namasu (marinated fish) dish. Choko was always a supporting player to the main sashimi (or some kind of fish dishes). Old Imari choko began to be manufactured from the late 17th century, when people began to use a small porcelain cup as a container for sashimi sauce.
An old interesting book is referred in his book. The book is Ryori-Tsu (Gourmet), written by Kuriyama Zenshiro from 1822 to 1835 who was an owner of a three-star restaurant, Yaozen, in Edo. It can be seen at #NIJL0113 of Open Dataset of National Institute of Japanese Literature. A lot of four-season menu are listed. Of particular interest is the chapter of sashimi dish, where the picture of the most suitable choko is shown to the main sashimi menu as well as the sauce. We can identify arabesque, broken-ice and more patterns. It seems that the so-called nozoki choko, which was a small cylindrical cup with a straight side surface and was popular in the 18th century, was not used very frequently in Yaozen in 1830s.
From Yaozen, Ryori-Tsu. It is interesting that we can see the fashion of choko in the early 19th cenyury. There are two broken-ice pattern choko. Various sauces are shown such as boiled and condensed sake, mustard miso, and wasabi soy sauce.
このように料理の献立リストにわざわざ猪口の絵が紹介されるということは、刺身皿にどういう猪口を取り合わせるかを、もてなす側ももてなされる側も楽しみにしていたこと、調味料入れとしての猪口が会食のコース料理の中で格別の注目度をもつ(アトラクション的?)存在だったことを暗示する。これは古伊万里の猪口収集家のはしくれとしてもうなずけるところだ。せいぜい直径 5 cm 程度の小さな器ではあるが、古伊万里の小猪口というのはたいへんていねいに作られていて、さまざまな文様、図柄があって、雑な絵付けのものは少ない(いっぽう大型のそば猪口なんかだとやや粗野な絵付けのものも散見する)。まるでままごとでつかうミニチュアの食器のようで、日本人特有の価値観ともいえる「かわいい」器だった。古伊万里の猪口の魅力を再確認した。
The pictures of choko in the menu list imply that both host and guest would pay particular attention to what choko was accompanied with a sashimi dish. Old Imari choko is a mere 5 cm cup but is delicately decorated. It is like a miniature that children play with. It is definitely kawaii tableware. I appreciated old Imari choko again.