モロッコの鉱物いろいろ Moroccan minerals
1. バナジン鉛鉱 Vanadinite
標本幅 width 7 cm / 重さ weight 184 g
モロッコ産の鉱物がいくつか手元にあつまったので紹介する。1個目の標本はバナジン鉛鉱(褐鉛鉱 Pb5(VO4)3Cl)。こまかいオレンジ色の結晶がいくつか球状にあつまって、それらが針鉄鉱上に散りばめられる。六角柱状の透明感のある結晶もいいが、これはこれで木瓜の花のようで趣がある。腎臓状に結晶した針鉄鉱の照りかげんもよく、なにげにわたしの鉱物コレクションのなかのお気に入りのひとつだ。
Spherical balls of orange vanadinite, resembling boke (Japanese quince) buds and blossoms, are sprinkled over black goethite matrix. The background botryoidal texture of goethite makes a good contrast. This is one of the favorite pieces in my collection.
Orange balls are made of hexagonal platy crystals.
先日、秋田大学鉱業博物館にいったときに尾去沢鉱山産の硫砒バナジン銅鉱(arsenosulvanite Cu3(As,V)S4)の標本をみた。バナジウムや鉛をふくんだ硫化鉱物が風化したらバナジン鉛鉱とかできてもよさそうだが、本標本のような立派な結晶は、乾燥地帯における長年の風化作用によってはじめてできるらしく、残念ながら尾去沢では産出の報告はない。日本のような多湿環境ではむずかしいのだろう。ちなみに硫砒バナジン銅鉱は現在ではコルーサ鉱(colusite Cu13VAs3S16)を誤認したものとされていて、正式な鉱物名ではなくなった。
I saw a specimen of arsenosulvanite (Cu3(As,V)S4) from Osarizawa mine, Akita, at Mineral Industry Museum of Akita University last month. It seems to me that vanadinite can occur from oxidized sulfide containing vanadium but no vanadinite has been found from Osarizawa. Nature is not so simple. Arsenosulvanite was a misunderstanding of colusite, so it disappears from mineral species.
2. ひも状自然金 Native gold wire
標本幅 width 5.5 cm / 重さ weight 76g
Minute gold crystals connect like a wire in a oxidized cobalt deposit. Gold wires are famous in Daikoku deposit, Chichibu mine, Saitama, in Japan and similar examples have been found in the world. I saw an explanation at Saitama Museum of Natural History that gold wires were known only from Chichibu mine, but it was not true (Chichibu mine is very rare in that gold wires are buried in sphalerite).
Gold wires are embedded in a matrix that is reddish due to erythrite. I am not sure if water slowly decomposed the cobalt deposit, and gold/silver atoms escaped, drifted and got together to form a wire. I guess amazingly long time is needed to create this natural product.
3. 白鉛鉱と重晶石 Cerussite and Barite
標本幅 width 4.5 cm / 重さ weight 99 g
A combination of cerussite and barite is famous in Mibladen as well as vanadinite. My collection shown previously was the very secondary mineral within a red-brown rock in Osarizawa's oxidation zone. In contrast this Mibladen's piece looks fresh like a primary mineral. A grouping of barite blades as seen in Dreislar's example stimulates my brain.
Sharp translucent crystals. There is galena too.
mindat.org の「糸金」の例。 Wired gold crystals shown in mindat.org.
秋田大学鉱業博物館所蔵の硫砒バナジン銅鉱の標本(尾去沢鉱山)。銀白色の鉱物がそうらしい。ちなみにラベルが「鉛鉱」となっているのはミスタイプだろう。 Arsenosulvanite displayed at Mineral Industry Museum of Akita University. It exists in a silver part.