三田青磁の小皿 Sanda Celadon Small Plates
瓢箪図 Bottle Gourd
長径 width: 10 cm
This is a small bottle-gourd shaped plate of Sanda celadon, obtained at Oedo Antique Market held in a courtyard of Tokyo International Forum. Three gourds are represented as a relief and three feet at the bottom are also bottle gourds. A six-gourd motif is frequently seen in art works in the Edo period because it is pronounced the same as no disease in Japanese. The shop owner said this kind of gourd-shaped plate is rare in Sanda celadon wares.
It has three gourd-shaped feet.
扇面菊花図 Flower on a Fan
長径 width 14 cm
I also purchased this fan-shaped plate at Oedo Antique Market. The flower is probably chrysanthemum. The bottom unglazed part looks reddish because of iron included in the clay, which would be a characteristic of Sanda celadon.
花蝶文 Flower and Butterfly
長径 width 9.4 cm
I purchased this octahedral plate at Heiwajima Antique Fair some time ago. A flower at the center and butterflies and clouds are seen on the rim. I often use this as a soy sauce vessel when eating sashimi.
These celadon wares were produced from the late Edo to Meiji periods in Sanda city, Hyogo prefecture, Japan. Similar celadon wares were also produced at Ojiyama, Tamba-Sasayama city.
手島隼人「三田青磁小皿と出石の長徳利」より。 -