尾太の閃亜鉛鉱 Sphalerite from Oppu

青森県中津軽郡西目屋村 尾太鉱山
Oppu Mine, Nishimeya Village, Aomori, Japan
幅 width 10 cm / 重さ weight 422 g


A cluster of sphalerite and quartz. Lustrous black sphalerite mostly forms an octahedron. Some spinel-law twins are also seen. There are cubic pyrite crystals in the back side.


Oppu mine, located at east of a world natural heritage, Shirakami Mountains, had been developed from Edo period. After the second world war, a large-scale vein was found and the mining town became flourishing. According to an old label, this specimen was collected in 1971, when the vein was still plentiful but remained seven years before the closure of the mine.