ブーランジェ鉱 Boulangerite

Trepca Mine, Mitrovica, Kosovo (コソボ共和国)
幅 width 65 mm


Hairy boulangerite crystallizes on light brown spherically gathered crystals of siderite, which look like a rose. There are also quartz needles, calcite, black marmatite (sphalerite) shining in the back and tiny arsenopyrite.

トレプカ(Trepca / Trepča) 鉱山は、ヨーロッパ最大ともいわれるスカルン型の鉱床を有する鉛・亜鉛鉱山で、中世から採掘され、いまなお稼働中らしい。ブーランジェ鉱や毛鉱というと、日本では秩父鉱山が有名で、やはりおなじスカルン鉱山である。なにか共通点があるのかもしれない。


Trepca is known to be the biggest lead-zinc mine in Europe developed from Middle Ages and is still active. Chichibu mine is famous in Japan for producing beautiful boulangerite specimens. There may be some similarities between them because both mines are of skarn type. I met a shop from Italy in Tokyo International Mineral Fair 2018 displaying many samples from Trepca. The owner said Japanese people didn't like boulangerite, but I thought it's not. I showed the Japanese spirit to choose this specimen.