孔雀石と珪孔雀石 Malachite and Chrysocolla

Size: 94 mm × 65 mm × 45 mm


A massive piece of malachite mined from the Katanga District, DR Congo, was my purchase at the Tokyo International Mineral Fair, which has been thought as an event reminding Japanese mineral collectors of the beginning of summer. Malachite precipitated to create concentric layers, and the outer shell as well as some thin layers inside are light-blue chrysocolla. Polished and chopped to show the textures of the constituting minerals, it can be said as a nature's artwork.

Mindat.org に掲載の類似品(たとえばこれ)の産地はルブンバシ(Lubumbashi)近郊の L’Etoile du Congo Mine (Star of the Congo Mine) のようだ。

このディーラーはモーリシャスに本拠地があって、おもにアフリカの石を販売しているようだ。うらやましい。Malacola というなまえで売り出していたが、この愛称は浸透しているとはいいがたい。

The mineral dealer who sold this piece bases itself in Mauritius and mainly trades African minerals. What a wonderful buisiness! They called it Malacola, but I think this name is not very widespread.