古い堤人形 Old Tsutsumi Clay Doll

19世紀 19th century
高さ 10.5 cm / 幅 11.3 cm


Tsutsumi doll was made in Sendai City, Miyagi, Japan. I met this doll at an antique fair. An old clay doll typically looks dirty as the paint has chipped or has been scratched. I bought a vintage clay doll like this for the first time because the face of a boy carring a big red fish was so attractive that I didn't feel it was oldish.

A motif of a boy carrying a big carp came from a legend of Kintaro, and is traditional in old clay dolls. The fish might be tai (sea bream).
No paint on the back side.
The clay is baked red in color.


The antique dealer said it was made in the mid or early 19th century, judging from the pigment's quality. The red color in old Tsutsumi dolls is said to be special (the suo color), and the fish's color will be so. I think it is like solidifying blood's color.



  • 1989年(平成元年)に仙台市博物館で開かれた特別展の図録「堤人形の美」の解説(見城敏子・小井川百合子、1989年)によると、この人形は「鯉つかみ」というモチーフで、鯛ではない。江戸期の歌舞伎の演目からとられたもので、当時相当はやったらしい。坂田金時(金太郎)が巨大な鯉をつかまえるという話ともあいまって、最終的に童子が鯉をかつぐ、という土人形に昇華し、これを飾ることで子どもの成長をねがった、というのが実情だろう。 (2023年6月3日)