古い相良人形 Old Sagara Doll

19世紀 19th century
幅 width: 14 cm / 高さ height: 7.5 cm

船の上で子どもが二人微笑んでいるこの土人形は、山形県米沢市でつくられたもので、相良(さがら)人形の名でよばれる。いわゆる宝船に類した縁起物だろうか。ずいぶん古びていてはっきりいってボロボロだが、それ以上にこの表情と仕草とに和む。驚くほど多くの顔料がつかわれている。船の色は前に紹介した堤人形と同様の蘇芳(すおう)色で、江戸期の作風を感じる。船首には金泥が施される。着物の色も華やかだ。東北の他の古人形と比較した研究によると、相良人形には苔のような緑色が多用される傾向にあり、これは緑青(ろくしょう; 天然には孔雀石)の色だという(菊地和博、1989年)。この人形では左側の童子の着物が緑青である。

This clay doll, known as Sagara doll, was made in Yonezawa City, Yamagata, Japan. Though the doll is quite old, I was very impressed at the children's face and movement. Children on a boat is a common motif in Sagara dolls. Many colors can be found such as suo (sappanwood) red at the hull, goldish black at the bow, and moss green at the kimono, which was created by the verdigris (malachite) in Sagara dolls.



At the end of the 18th century, Sagara Atsutada, known as one of the pioneers of the Narushima pottery, started creating clay dolls in Yonezawa. The dolls were influenced by Fushimi doll (Kyoto) and Tsutsumi doll (Miyagi). I guess that Atsutada who had wide knowledge of various ceramics in Japan wanted to create clay dolls in his homeland. The Sagara doll went down to his posterity. Old dolls of Atsutada, Naoatsu (the 2nd master of the Sagara-doll studio) and Atsumasa (the 3rd) are generally thought to be most valuable. The tradition was interrupted by the Pacific War, but Takashi (the 7th) revived making clay dolls in 1960s. The present master is Ryuma (the 8th).
