足尾鉱山の閃亜鉛鉱と燐灰石と不明針状結晶 Sphalerite, Apatite and Unknown Acicular Crystals from Ashio
表面が暗緑色の被膜で覆われていて一部不明瞭だが、閃亜鉛鉱はスピネル式双晶をくりかえして六角形の板が積み重なっているとおもわれるところがあったり、のこぎりの歯のようなギザギザがあったり複雑である。ネオジム磁石に反応するので鉄をかなり含んでいる。燐灰石はせいぜい直径 1 mm の六角板状で肉眼ではよくわからない程度のものだが、いたるところに付着している。その他、方鉛鉱も顕著で、石英とオレンジ色を帯びた方解石かなにかの微結晶もともなう。
A recent purchase at Hori Mineralogy. A piece of silicic rock is covered with black sphalerite and sprinkled with apatite crystals. This was probably from a kajika-type deposit in the Ashio mine, as is very similar to another well-described specimen shown previously. Sphalerite partly looks like a pile of hexagonal plates caused by repeated twinning, and partly shows a sawtooth shape. Reaction to a neodymium magnet suggests it contains a considerable amount of iron. Apatite can be seen everywhere, but its size is 1 mm at most. There exist galena, quartz, and small orange calcite too.
クローズアップ。燐灰石がびっしり付着する。方鉛鉱もみられるが判別は(すくなくともわたしには)かんたんでない。閃亜鉛鉱は blende の別名があり、これは方鉛鉱との区別がむずかしくときに人を「だます」ことから名付けられた。
Sphalerite and galena are coated with tiny apatite crystals. Distinction between sphalerite and galena is not easy for me.
六角板状の燐灰石のうち比較的大型のものは中心部と辺縁部とのあいだに明瞭な境界線がある。中央やや右にみえる燐灰石の微結晶をまとった黄褐色の結晶は黄銅鉱か、それとも磁硫鉄鉱か? その左は方鉛鉱、上側は閃亜鉛鉱。写真幅は約 7 mm。
The larger apatite hexagon has a clear two-layer structure. The yellowish brown crystal will be chalcopyrite or pyrrhotite. The crystal on the left side is galena, and on the upper part sphalerite. The photo width is about 7 mm.
標本のくぼみに長さ数 mm の針状の鉱物がみられる。針の途中に燐灰石がくっついているところもある。付近に断面が菱形の柱状結晶をなす硫砒鉄鉱がみられること、針状結晶もそれと質感が似ていることから、硫砒鉄鉱が一軸方向に異常に長く伸びたものではないかと想像する。有名な大分県尾平鉱山のものとおなじ晶相とおもわれるが、ここまで縦横比の著しい結晶はめずらしい。赤銅鉱には針状の晶癖をしめす毛赤銅鉱(針銅鉱)という別名をもつものがあるが、これが本当に硫砒鉄鉱なら「毛硫砒鉄鉱」と呼んでいいだろう。
There are acicular crystals of several mm in length in a hollow place. I guess this is arsenopyrite elongating along one direction, because arsenopyrite of different more common crystal habit certainly exists and the needles are similar to it in texture. Elongated arsenopyrite is not so rare (e.g., a specimen from the Obira mine, Oita), but I think this kind of thin needle-like crystal is very rare. Chalcotrichite is a variety of cuprite that has an acicular crystal habit. If this example is really arsenopyrite, it can be said "arsenotrichite".
Unknown acicular minerals. Photo width: 12 mm.
Typical columnar crystals of arsenopyrite. The bigger one is 0.8 mm in length.
Coexistence of arsenopyrite and unknown needles. The first photo shows an arsenopyrite crystal with antennas. The second and third photos show a long fork that has three parallel needles. Photo width: 7 mm.
硫砒鉄鉱というと菱餅形の結晶が典型的かとおもうが、渡辺新六「足尾銅山産硫砒鉄鉱」(岩石鉱物鉱床学 17巻 3号、1937年)によると足尾の硫砒鉄鉱は長柱状の晶癖をしめすものが多い。なかでも図11に示すような、長柱状結晶の一端から2、3本の細柱がつららのように伸びるような変わり者がみられるという(図11は煩雑さを避けるため細柱は1本しか描いていない)。この種の硫砒鉄鉱は、珪岩(チャートのことだだろう)中の石英の結晶群の上を閃亜鉛鉱が薄く覆い、さらにその上に成長するというから、ここで紹介する標本との共通性もある。問題はこの細柱がどのくらいの細さでかつどのくらい長く成長できるかだが、渡辺の報文には記述がない。
Watanabe Shinroku described in 1937 that arsenopyrite in the Ashio mine was mainly columnar with a diamond-shaped cross section. Remarkably, he reported a peculiar crystal that was basically columnar but had two or three thin "icicles" at the end (he didn't draw all the icicles in Fig. 11 for simplicity). Such an interesting crystal grew from sphalerite coating quartz in a silicic rock, which is partly similar to the present specimen.
From Watanabe's report on arsenopyrite in the Ashio mine published in 1937. Fig. 6 shows the most common crystal. There is a variation like a square cushion with 1 : 1 aspect ratio. Fig. 11 shows a peculiar crystal with two or three thin needles.
Boulangerite and jamesonite are the first mineral species that come to an acicular crystal party but they are generally absent in the Ashio mine. Stibnite and bismuthinite are the next candidates, and the latter was produced in the kajika-type deposit in Ashio together with native bismuth. In any cases, it is difficult for me to tell what it is because of the small crystal size.