尾去沢鉱山の赤銅鉱 Cuprite from Osarizawa
A tiny piece of native copper plate is covered with cuprite, which is mostly black but some show translucent red color. There are some octahedral crystals though the size is small.
Size: 36 × 33 × 5 mm / Weight: 8 g
- 自然銅にともなうもの: これがもっとも多く、樹枝状自然銅を被覆して暗赤色金剛光沢をもつ八面体、まれに六面体結晶が群生する
- 閃亜鉛鉱にともなうもの: 閃亜鉛鉱の周囲が赤銅鉱化したかのような観を呈するもので、塊状または結晶をなすものもある
- 黄銅鉱にともなうもの: ブロシャン銅鉱などの銅の二次鉱物と共生する
Nambu Hideki described that cuprite in the Osarizawa deposits are categorized into three types occuring with (1) native copper, (2) sphalerite, and (3) chalcopyrite. The first one is most common and the present example clearly belongs to this category. In this case native copper first crystalized from copper sulfate aqueous solution in the oxidized zone, and then it altered into cuprite.
Sketches of cuprite from the Osarizawa Mine by Nambu Hideki. No.15 and 16 show cuprite replacing native copper, and No.17 occurring with sphalerite.