フルカニの鶏冠石とジンケン鉱 Realgar and Zinkenite from Julcani
標本幅 width: 43 mm / 重さ weight: 19 g
鶏冠石(AsS)については、どの本をみても「光に弱いので暗所に保存せよ」と書いてある。堀秀道「楽しい鉱物図鑑」(草思社)によれば湿気や振動にも弱いかもしれない、という。ジンケン鉱(Zinkenite: Pb9Sb22S42)は輝安鉱(Sb2S3)と方鉛鉱(PbS)とを 11 : 9 の割合で混ぜたような組成をもつ硫塩鉱物。輝安鉛鉱という和名もある。見た目は輝安鉱とか毛鉱・ブーランジェ鉱なんかともよく似ている。産出はかなりまれだが、ネットで画像を検索するとボリビアのオルロ(Oruro)産の標本に立派なのがある。
A small piece of Peruvian metallic ore from the same locality as enargite, almost entirely covered by acicular or prismatic zinkenite and sprinkled with realgar. Any books on minerals say that realgar should be stored in a dark place. Hori Hidemichi says in his book that damp and even vibration may enhance realgar's decay. Zinkenite has chemical composition that is exactly the same as eleven Sb2S3's (stibnite) and nine PbS's (galena). It looks simiar to stibnite and also to jamesonite and boulangerite. I am not very sure that all of those black crystals are zinkenite.