ウッツの辰砂 Cinnabar from Uttsu
赤い辰砂の微結晶が鉱脈中に散りばめられる。劈開面がキラキラ光る。辰砂(HgS)の比重は 8.1 で石英の 3 倍の重さだが、この鉱石片は見た目ほど重くないので、辰砂がパンパンに充満しているわけではなさそうだ。とはいえ相当高品位の水銀鉱石である。
Minute red crystals of cinnabar with twinkling cleavage faces are embedded in a vein. As this piece is not so heavy, cinnabar would not occupy the volume very much. However, this is quite a high quality mercury ore. There were many mercury deposits in Hokkaido. The biggest one was Itomuka (Kitami City, former Rubeshibe Town), which was unique in that the main ore was native mercury. The Uttsu mine was found in 1940s and operated by Nomura Mining Company as a secondary ore field of Itomuka until 1963.
Nomura Kohsan Company operated the Itomuka Mine for more than 30 years since 1939. A mercury recycling plant is still ongoing at the same place.
Cinnabar from Asahi Mine, Oketo Town, Hokkaido. Asahi was also a small mercury mine. This piece was probably collected from Beninosawa after the closure of the Asahi mine, which is well known among Japanese mineral collectors because of large crystals.
結晶サイズは約 3 mm。 The crystal size is about 3 mm.