目白コレクション 2022春 Mejiro Collection Antique Fair
I went to an antique exhibition held in Mejiro, Tokyo, where more than 40 dealers from every part of Japan showed mainly Japanese old things.
金彩染付 のぞき猪口 流水楓文 Stream and Maple Leaves
口径 top width: 52 mm / 高さ height: 55 mm / 高台径 bottom width: 40 mm
Water stream and six maple leaves are expressed with cobalt blue glaze and the leaf is decorated with gold. I think that red maple leaves drifting down a stream are well described. It feels a bit heavier than it looks.
染付 のぞき猪口 鯉の滝登り図 A Carp Becoming a Dragon
口径 top width: 51 mm / 高さ height: 54 mm / 高台径 bottom width: 38 mm
A dragon flies through clouds. As something like a fish tail is attached to the dragon's body, this probably shows an ancient Chinese story about a carp that changes to a dragon when it swims upward against a waterfall. There are unknown curious objects at the backside and the bottom part.
成島焼(?) 片口 Narushima-ware (?) Lipped Bowl
口径 top width: 20 cm / 高さ height: 9 cm / 高台径 bottom width: 9 cm
The Narushima pottery began in the Yonezawa clan (Yonezawa city, Yamagata prefecture) from the end of the 18th century, producing daily necessaries until the beginning of the 20th century. The grayish blue glaze on a chocolate clay is similar to the Shiraiwa ware in Akita prefecture produced almost at the same time, but the dealer said that the clay of the Narushima ware was finer.
The antique dealer said the lipped bowl was a Narushima ware, but I guess it was made at the Daihoji or Shinjo-Higashiyama potteries, Yamagata Prefecture, according to literature shown below.
「日本やきもの集成1 北海道 東北 関東」(平凡社、1981年)より。成島焼は黒褐色の飴釉を器全体にかけて、さらに青白いなまこ釉を部分的に施したものが多い。今回の片口とは雰囲気がちょっと異なるようにおもえる。大宝寺焼は器の全面に青白い釉薬をかけるのが特徴のようだ。釉薬の厚い部分が白く発色する。今回の片口と非常によく似ている。なお大宝寺焼とよく似たやきものに、やはり山形県内の窯である東山焼がある。
One of the most remarkable points in the lipped bowl that I obtained at the antique fair is that the outer surface is almost completely covered with the grayish blue glaze, which was similarly seen in the Daihoji and Shinjo-Higashiyama wares but probably was not common in the other old potteries in the Tohoku district.
The Daihoji pottery began from the late 18th century in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata, and continued until the end of the 19th century. A collection of old Daihoji wares can be seen at the Chido Museum. The Shinjo-Higashiyama pottery began in 1842 and is still active in Shinjo City, Yamagata. The founder, Wakui Yahei, learned pottery in Soma, Fukushima Prefecture, and worked in Akita as a ceramic engineer. He visited Tsuruoka and gave advices before coming to Shinjo. Common characteristics seen in these potteries might be due to his activity.