北秋田の伝説とミステリー Legend and Mystery in North Akita
One of the Oyu stone circles, Kazuno city, Akita prefecture, consists of inner and outer circles.
I travelled around the northern part of Akita to see legends and mysteries.
環状列石 Stone Circle
これはいまから3000〜4000年前、縄文時代後期の遺跡で、直径 30 m くらいの円(実際には二重、三重の同心円)をえがくように石を並べてある。おもに東北北部から北海道南部にかけて、似たような遺跡が普遍的にみられるので、だれかの突発的なアイディアでつくられたのではなく、縄文人の文化、風習に根ざした、なんらかの意味をもつことは確実である。石といってもけっこうな大きさなので、相当の理由がなければこんな重いものを川原から段丘の上まで運ばないだろう。縄文人の墓地、あるいはなんらかの儀式、まつりをおこなう施設とされているが、くわしいことは謎である。
The stone circles were built in the late Jomon period (about 3000 to 4000 years ago), widely distributed in the north Tohoku and the south Hokkaido areas. They are considered to be a cemetery or a place where some religious ceremony took place, though the correct purpose is unknown.
The photo in the above is the stone circle in Oyu, Kazuno city. A smaller stone structure near the inner circle is perhaps a sundial. Two stone circles have been found in Oyu and they are aligned along the direction of the sundown at the summer solstice, suggesting that the stone circles have a meaning relating to the Sun or a kind of midsummer feast. Claywares and dogu (clay dolls) found there are displayed in a museum.
大館能代空港のすぐそばの伊勢堂岱遺跡にもストーンサークルが複数ある。道路建設の際に発見され、遺跡保存のため計画変更して道路を迂回させたそうだ。多くの土偶がみつかっているが、ほとんどは破損している。意図的に壊されて埋められたのではないかとも言われている。キノコ形の土器や種々の土製品、石器も発掘されていて、なんらかの儀式につかわれたとされる(参考: MIHO MUSEUM 編、土偶・コスモス、羽鳥書店、2012)。
There are also several stone circles at Isedotai, Kita-Akita city, near Odate Noshiro Airport. They were found during a road construction and the construction plan was changed to preserve them. Many dogu have been found but almost all of them are incomplete, suggesting that they were intentionally broken before buried. Various claywares and stonewares such as Mushroom-like small articles have also been found, which were probably used in some ceremony by Jomon people.
Stone circles at Isedotai.
Dogu displayed at a museum in Isedotai.
老犬神社 Old Dog Shrine
The shrine was so gorgeous that I can't believe this is just for a dog.
This is a unique shrine that was built for a dog. It is located on a cedar forest hill across Yoneshiro river from Sawajiri station of JR Hanawa Line.
神社の由来は大要以下のとおり。むかしむかし、定六という猟師がいまの鹿角市の草木という集落に妻と住んでいた。猟に出るときはいつも猟犬のシロといっしょだった。ある日、獲物を深追いして山奥に分け入り、隣国(青森県の三戸領とされる)に出たところ、他国で無断で猟をしたかどで役人に捕まって投獄されてしまった。定六は、先祖の勲功により、代々どの領地でも自由に狩猟できる免状をもっていたが、その日に限って家に忘れてしまい、申し開きできなかった。牢に幽閉されていたところ、シロがどこからともなく入ってきた。そこでシロに免状をもってくるように言いつけると、シロは走って定六の妻の待つ家にもどり、いつも免状を置いている棚の前でワンワン吠えた。妻は定六の受難をさとり、シロの首に免状を結わえつけて定六のもとへ走らせた。しかしシロが到着する前に、定六は処刑されてしまった。シロはその後も主人の最期の地に何度も通って、吠え続けた。シロの遠吠えが聞こえた秋田・青森の県境の森をいまでも犬吠森と呼んでいる。定六亡き後、妻とシロはこの地に移り住んだ。シロの死後、何度も災いが起こり、シロの怨念ではないかと不安がった村人は、シロを手厚くまつり、ほこらを建てた。それが老犬神社である。おしまい(参考: 神社前の案内板、小野忠太郎「秋田の風物」東洋館出版社 1952)。
An old tale says: Long time ago, Sadaroku, a hunter, lived with his wife and Shiro, a white dog, in Kusaki village, Kazuno. One day, Sadaroku went hunting with Shiro as usual but accidentally reached out of the Kazuno territory. He was arrested for hunting in an unpermitted area, but he thought it's ok. Sadaroku had a special license to hunt anywhere. However, he left it at home that day, and he couldn't make an excuse. Sadaroku talked to Shiro to take the license from home. Shiro understood the words and ran back home to bark around the license box. Sadaroku's wife soon understood and put the license on the dog's neck to help Sadaroku. When Shiro arrived, Sadaroku had already been executed. People heard Shiro's howls from a mountain, which is now called "Inuboe-Mori" (Dog's howl forest). Sadaroku's wife and Shiro moved to this place. After Shiro died, many disasters occurred. People thought they were caused by Shiro's deep‐seated grudge, so people built the Roken (old dog) shrine to respect the dog's spirit.
Shiro was Akitainu (an inherent dog species in Akita), which is known to be the most faithful dog species in Japan (e.g., Hachi-ko that waited his master at Shibuya station even after the master's death). I went to the Akitainu museum in Odate, where we can see displays about the history of Akitainu and also some living Akitainu. Akitainu competitive shows are held every spring and fall, and photos of award winners were displayed. Every dog shows a proudful face. The face of Akitainu looks similar to Shibainu. The difference is that the parts of Akita's face are more ceterized than Shiba, and Akita's face is fatter.
Akitainu who won at contests.
錦木塚 Nishikigi-Zuka
この伝説はその後広く知られ、「錦木」「狭布(けふ)の細布」は平安後期には歌枕として詠まれ、室町時代には世阿弥によって謡曲「錦木」がつくられた。岩手県出身の力士、錦木の四股名もここに由来する(公園の案内板、小野忠太郎「秋田の風物」東洋館出版社 1952 など)。