花岡鉱山 Hanaoka Mine
Tsutsumizawa in Hanaoka mine (Odate city, Akita prefecture, Japan) was an open-cut site and became like a lake after mined.
Hanaoka, Matsumine and Shakanai are kuroko-type metal mines located at the northern part of Odate basin. They are within a ten-minute driving distance from JR Odate station and Odate-Kita interchange of Akita Highway. It would be rare in Japan to find such metal mines at a flat open field.
The kuroko deposits in Hanaoka have been known in Edo period and largely developed since 1915 when Fujita-gumi began mining for supplement to Kosaka mine. Fujita-gumi soon found a large deposit in Doyashiki and other small-scale deposits. Tsutsumizawa was developed by open-cut mining after the Pacific War. In 1960 when the Hanaoka deposits were about to be exhausted, Nippon Mining succeeded in finding an underground kuroko deposit in Shakanai area on the south of Hanaoka, and Dowa Mining (former Fujita-gumi) followed in Matsumine. The possible reserves were said to be 30 million tons, but the mining business terminated by 1994.
大館郷土博物館 Odate City Museum
大館北インターから東に 2 km ほどの獅子ヶ森にある。大館地域の自然、歴史、風俗に関する展示がある。鉱山関係の資料もよくまとまっており、鉱山会社から寄贈された鉱石標本や採掘機械が並んでいる。
Odate local museum is located in Shishigamori that is about 2 km to the east of Odate-Kita interchange of Akita Highway, addressing the mining industry in Hanaoka area in addition to nature, history, and culture in Odate.
Explanation for mining method.
Specially manufactured for the use in Matsumine, Hopper Loader was able to collect and carry ores in the underground deposit and expanded the truckless mining.
Small pieces of minerals collected in Odate area.
An interesting specimen of kuroko that has a ring structure.
公害が社会問題になりつつあった1960年代に開発された釈迦内や松峰では、周囲が宅地や農地だったため、環境保全に対する意識は当初から高かったと思われる。たとえば1969年には鉱滓(浮遊選鉱後の泥、スライム)を日本海に面する能代の浅内浜まで輸送して処理するため、長大なパイプラインを建設した。また採掘された黒鉱鉱石は小坂等に送られ、当地では製錬はおこなっていない。鉱石の採掘は人工天盤下向き充填法によった。これはどういう方法かというと、まず深さ 3 m 分の黒鉱を掘り出したら、その空洞の底部厚さ 60 cm 分を鉄筋モルタルで固め、その上をモルタルで充填する。固まったら、その下の 3 m の黒鉱を掘り、以後繰り返す、というもの。これにより、軟弱な地盤でも安全に採掘をおこなうことができた。しかしそれでも地盤沈下が起こり、とくに鉱床の真上にあった松峰集落数十戸は集落ごと移転を余儀なくされた。他の地域でも家が傾くなどの問題が起こったようである。こうした問題に対する付随的なコストは鉱山の寿命短縮を招いたと想像される。
Shakanai and Matsumine were developed in the 1960s when people became aware of importance of environmental conservation. In 1969, a long pipeline was built to convey tailings from Odate to Asanai-Hama, Noshiro city, that faces the Sea of Japan. The mining method was as follows: After a kuroko layer of 3 m depth is mined, a floor of 60 cm height is created with mortar and reinforcing steel and the remaining space is filled with mortar. Then, the next 3 m layer beneath the solidified ceiling is mined further. Even with this mining method, Matsumine village located just above the kuroko deposit had to be moved because of ground subsidence.
Matsumine bus stop. Matsumine’s shaft and mining facilities were around the pyramidal hill. Matsumine village was forced to move from the right-hand side to the left-hand side of this road.
Odate city local museum is also a museum of fine art. The collection is mainly offered by Koichi Tanaka who manages an art gallery in Tokyo. It was a surprise to me to see a lot of modern Japanese pictures.
I also visited Ayame House next to Shakanai community center. I met a person in Odate museum and she kindly told me about a display of ores and mining industry in Shakanai at Ayame House, which was a gorgeous traditional house built with plenty of local woods.
A map showing kuroko (red) and gypsum (yellow) deposits around Shakanai and Matsumine area.
鳥潟会館 Former Torikata Family Estate
江戸時代から花岡村の肝煎りを務めていた鳥潟家の住宅と庭園が市の施設として公開されている。呼び鈴を鳴らすと案内人の方が出て、いまちょうど別の見学者を案内中だからいっしょにどうぞ、と言われ、いっしょに見学した。たっぷり 40 分くらい見せてもらった。立派な大黒柱、京都から取り寄せたという庭石や床柱、古いボイラーとそれで沸かした湯が出る浴場、食料を冷やして保存するための深い穴蔵など、どれも興味深いものばかりだった。和室は使用料を払えば貸し切り利用できるそうだ。
I visited the house of Torikata family, who served as a mayor of Hanaoka village for a long time in the Edo period. A guide explained big central pillars, tea rooms and garden, old boiler and bathroom, and a deep hole cellar to preserve foods. The storehouse is used as museum. There were ores from Hanaoka mine but some of them were decaying probably because of humid environment. An interesting thing was a model of Matsumine’s vertical shaft illustrating how the ores were gathered from adits and lifted to the ground level.
There was a display about Kosankichi Torikata (1842-1909) who was an acrobat succeeding in Europe. When he returned to Hanaoka with his German wife, he was like a general after a victory.
花岡平和記念館 Hanaoka Peace Museum
This is a memorial museum of Hanaoka massacre located by Hanaoka river near the Torikata family estate. During the Pacific War, Kajima contracted with Hanaoka mine (Fujita) for constructing works and hired 900 and more Chinese workers who came to Japan by compulsion. Because of forced labor and food scarcity, 400 and more people died until the end of the war. Though an uprising of the Chinese workers and its failure are often stressed, this is essentially a massacre in the course of forced labor.
In Japan, such forced labors had not been uncommon since Meiji period (e.g. the so-called Tako-Beya labor in Hokkaido). Human rights had considerably been violated until the new Constitution became effective in 1947. Even Japanese soldiers were killed by theirselves, not allowed to surrender, and so it is not surprising that Chinese people were abused just like wringing a wet cloth until no water drips.
I felt relieved to know some. Some local people in Hanaoka gave rice dumplings to the Chinese workers during the absence of the guards albeit in the circumstance of chronic food shortage. A ceremony is held every June 30th in Odate city with Chinese survivors and bereaved family invited, and this works as an opportunity not only for thinking over what we made but also for friendship between Japan and China.
- 花岡の鉱床についてはこちらの記事にいくらか書いた。