仙北地方の小さなかめ Small Pot from Senboku Region

19世紀 19th century
高さ height: 9.8 cm / 口径 top width: 9 cm / 胴径 body width: 10.5 cm

この手のかめ(甕)は台所で塩などを入れておくのにつかったらしいが、この器は容量が 300 ml (1.7合)ほどでかなり小さい。わたしの手では底にたまった塩をうまくつまめるかどうか、といった小ささだ。小さい割にかなり重みがあるが(450 g くらい)、自重による安定感があってむしろ実用的かもしれない。形はいびつで、高台も削っておらず、あまり手間をかけずにつくった量産品だったことを暗示している。

This type of small pot was used as a salt container, but the size of this pot (300 ml) appears to be insufficient for me to pinch the salt that remains at the bottom. It weighs more than it looks, which would be rather convenient in a kitchen. The uneven shape and the rough bottom surface indicate that it was a cheap mass-produced pot.



As it is similar to another small pot that I have shown before, they were made in the same place and in nearly the same time. The clay quality and the brown and white glazes are characteristic of the Shiraiwa pottery, though the Naraoka pottery had also produced similar ceramics.

以前紹介した小がめ(左:高さ 11.2 cm、容量 500 ml)との比較。なまこ釉の発色はやや異なるが、質的にはおなじものと考えられる。高台のつくりはまったく異なり、以前紹介したほうが丁寧につくられている。

下の表は渡辺為吉「白岩瀬戸山」の第8章(104ページ〜、1933年)より抜粋した明治初期における白岩焼のかめの単価と生産数である。スタンダードな「かめ」に分類されているやつの最小容量は1盃(4合 = 720 ml)で、これより小さいのが「五文瓜(ごもんくわ・ごもんか)」と「豆かめ」だ。基本的に単価と容量とは比例関係にあると考えられるので、容量的には

1盃かめ > 五文瓜 > 豆かめ

の順でまちがいないだろう。今回紹介したかめは2合にもみたないので「豆かめ」、前に紹介した小がめは容量が 500 ml(3合弱)ほどなので「五文瓜」に属するものと想像する。

Shown below are the price and the number of products of various pots in one of the Shiraiwa potteries in 1870s, which was quoted from a book, Shiraiwa Seto-yama, written by Watanabe Tamekichi in 1933. He described an interesting product, gomonka, which means five-mon melon (mon is a monetary unit). If the price was proportional to the size, the volume of gomonka must be less than 7.2 dl, and mame pot would be even less. Therefore, the pots shown in the above pictures would be categorized to gomonka and mame pots.

price in 1874
number of products in 1879
かめ 1升
pot 18 dl
25文 374
かめ 5合
pot 9 dl
15文 287
かめ 1盃
pot 7.2 dl
10文 235
5-mon melon
5文 265
mame (small) pot
3文 403




Gomonka is so old a word that we cannot understand its meaning. I guess that it was 5 mon in price and looks like a melon that Japanese ate in the 19th century (see the picture). It is surprising that those small pots were so cheap. In a famous comic story, the price of a bowl of noodle was more than 10 mon in the Edo period. The price of the small pots shown here indicates they were roughly treated as cheap materials. There were six kilns in the Shiraiwa pottery in the mid 19th century, which produced many ceramics for daily use. However, all of them were closed by the end of the 19th century. It is widely said that the Rikuu earthquake in 1896 severely damaged the kilns, but I guess low prices might break the business. People didn't value such cheap ceramics and threw away when more convenient porcelain and glassware became abundant. That is why old pots and other earthenwares are rare in antique markets. 
