阿仁の氷長石と方鉛鉱 Adularia and galena from Ani mine
Shown in the following are mineral specimens from the Ani mine, Kita-Akita city, Akita, Japan.
氷長石 Adularia
Adularia is a variety of orthoclase (K feldspar). Crystalizing under a lower temperature, it is colorless, transparent, and has a more ordered crystal structure. Ani's gangue is mainly composed of quartz, calcite, and chlorite, and rarely of adularia like this, which is unique in metal mines in Akita. Adularia in a metal-sulfide vein is not only rare but also aesthetic.
Adularia from Ani mine. The other side is also crystalized like this. Black crystals are chalcopyrite.
A close-up.
この標本の氷長石は白っぽくて透明感を欠く。結晶表面の一部は微細な石英と緑泥石に覆われる。黄銅鉱が共生する。一般に、いわゆるアルプス型の脈ではまさに氷のような透明結晶がみられるが、金銀鉱脈や硫化金属脈中の氷長石はえてしてこのように白濁したものが多いようだ。なお阿仁鉱山ではじめて発見された阿仁鉱(Anilite: Cu7S4)はこうした氷長石が出るような脈にみられるという話を聞いた。
The crystals in this specimen lack transparency and are partly covered by fine quartz and chlorite, cogenerating with chalcopyrite. Adularia in the Alpine vein is generally colorless and transparent, but tends to be white in gold-silver veins and in metal-sulfide veins. I heard that anilite (Cu7S4), which was first reported from Ani mine, could be seen in a vein with adularia.
方鉛鉱 Galena
Galena from Ani mine. Width: 8 cm, weight: 467 g.
Next one is galena. Cubic crystals are penetrating in a complex manner. Chalcopyrite exists in the backside. It is heavier than it looks. Ani is basically a copper mine but produced lead a little.
Ani copper mine was managed by the local governor of Akita territory in the Edo period. In the 18th century, Ani was one of the most active copper mines in Japan as well as Besshi mine in Ehime. Ani's crude copper was renowned for containing considerable silver because the local mines were not allowed to refine (the local governor in Akita built a smelting factory installing more sophisticated technique later). As the Meiji period began, Ani was managed by the Japanese government but the mine was already declining. Having got the mining right in 1885, Furukawa found new veins and experienced the peak period around 1910. In 1931 the mine stopped producing ores and Ani town declined, but the mine revived because of finding of a new gold deposit at the upper part of mountains. The mine was active after the Pacific War but ceased in 1970. Finding of new veins prolonged the business to some extent but Ani mine put an end to its long history in 1978. Adularia shown here was probably collected in Ani's latest years in 1970s.
Chalcopyrite in the other side.
- 「秋田大学鉱山絵図・絵巻デジタルライブラリー」の阿仁鉱山の項。だいたいこれを見れば阿仁の全容がわかる。
- 「秋田県鉱山誌」(秋田県鉱山会館、2005)の該当部。あと Wikipedia の加護山製錬所、大坂銅吹屋の記事。
- 秋月瑞彦「氷長石:その研究史と問題点」(岩石鉱物鉱床学会誌、特別号1号、1976)。ま、これを読んでも氷長石とはいったいなんなのか、よくわからない。
- 1970年頃の探鉱の状況については、出雲良雄ほか「阿仁鉱山稲荷坑鉱床の探鉱について」(鉱山地質、1972)を参照。鉱業の存続は秋田経済にとっても重要で、県の支援が少なからずあったことがわかる。
- 南部正光ほか「秋田県阿仁鉱山稲荷坑産石英中の流体包有物に関する研究」(鉱山地質、147号、1978)より、阿仁鉱山最末期に稼行した稲荷坑の主要鉱物の表。氷長石は阿仁でも限られた脈にしか出ない。