秩父の硫砒鉄鉱 Arsenopyrite from Chichibu
Daikoku Deposit, Chichibu Mine, Nakatsugawa, Chichibu City, Saitama, Japan
標本幅 width 60 mm / 重さ weight 106 g
Several arsenopyrite prisms penetrate each other. There are also quartz needles and rhodochrosite pale pink roses. The base sphalerite is yellow to dark red in part. Combination of such sphalerite and rhodochrosite is characteristic at the upper level of Daikoku deposit.
閃亜鉛鉱の割れ目の中に、径 2 mm くらいの小さな結晶がかくれている。その平行な筋、鉛のような黒光り具合から、断定はできないものの、いかにも車骨鉱のようにおもえるが如何?
A tiny black crystal of 2 mm in size exists in a cavity in sphalerite. It is possibly bournonite which is famous in Chichibu mine.