仙北地方の小さなかめ Small Pots from Senboku Region
I obtained three small earthenware pots that were probably from the 19th-century Shiraiwa or Naraoka potteries in the Senboku Region, Akita prefecture, Japan.
This round-shaped pot has a distinct top rim that stands a bit outward. The glaze's color over a brown coating is subtly bluish white, which would be especially outstanding. The work on the bottom part shows a delicate workmanship. This was merely a small daily-use earthenware, but I presume it would be one of the masterpieces of old Shiraiwa ware, if my estimation of this pot's origin is correct.
The size is probably the smallest among this kind of earthenware pots. The brown coating is more lustrous, and the white glaze is slightly greenish. The bottom part is almost same in shape as the previous one. The former owner has made repairs.
The shape is similar to the first and second ones. I guess the glaze's color didn't come out well, so the color looks greenish. The brown underglaze is thin, and the bottom part is totally unglazed without any decoration. The body is so thick that it weighs heavier. I think this is a rare example of earthenware pots in the Senboku region.
これら3点は古物店の主人の弁とわたしのこの2年あまりの経験とを総合すれば、19世紀の白岩焼の可能性が高い。ただ100%そうかと言われると自信がなく、楢岡焼の可能性も捨てきれない。一般には白岩焼は細工が繊細で、小物を多く焼いたといわれるが(宮本康男「白岩焼と楢岡焼」秋田手仕事たより11号、2000年10月、秋田手仕事文化研究会)、 楢岡焼の窯跡からもここで紹介したような高さ 10 cm 以下の豆かめが発掘されている(大仙市文化財調査報告書第15集「楢岡焼」2012年)。また楢岡の土は砂がちでざらついていると言われるので、とくに2個目などは楢岡かもしれない。秋田県内外の他の産地の可能性もゼロとは言えないだろう。
These three pieces are probably 19th-century Shiraiwa wares, but I can't reject a possibility that some of them were from different potteries such as Naraoka. It is generally said that Shiraiwa tended to produce delicately crafted small earthenwares, while Naraoka made comparatively large rough ones. However, small pots whose size is less than 10 cm have also been found from an abandoned kiln in Naraoka.
Watanabe Tamekichi, a son of Watanabe family who managed a pottery in Shiraiwa, wrote in his book published in 1933 that the glaze inside Shiraiwa pots was red (or brown), but in 1874 it was changed to white (or bluish white) and at the same time the price rose. Looking at three pots shown above, we could recognize from the color that the first and the second pots were made before 1874, and the third one was after 1874. As the latter one is thick and omits the bottom shaping, it could be deduced that Shiraiwa's business was declining at a time after 1874 and a considerable cost-cutting was needed. Of course it is uncertain because Watanabe's description might be applied only to the kiln of Watanabe family, or these small pots might not be produced in Shiraiwa.