平和島骨董まつり Heiwajima Antique Fair
I went to Heiwajima Antique Fair last weekend. It was the 184th fair beginning in 1978. More than two hundreds antique dealers gather from all over Japan, but this time the fair was substantially reduced because of the coronavirus crisis. Customers were very few as I went on the afternoon of the last day of the three-day session.
金彩染付 唐草馬上人物文 のぞき猪口 Nozoki Cup, Horse Rider Symbols
口径 top width: 54 mm / 高台径 bottom width: 42 mm / 高さ height: 61 mm
This kind of nozoki cup with arabesque pattern is not rare, but it is interesting that a person rinding a horse is drawn in a circle. It might be European because its broad-brimmed hat was not popular in Japan. The way of overpainting with gold on blue patterns is often seen in old Imari wares. The decoration with gold on this cup seems rather quiet to me. The whorl pattern behind the rim is, on one hand, characteristic in nozoki cups after the end of the 18th century. On the other hand, the size and shape remind me an older mid 18th century nozoki.
There are two circle patterns.
染付 唐人図 のぞき猪口 Nozoki Cup, Chinese Persons
口径 top width: 53 mm / 高台径 bottom width: 37 mm / 高さ height: 64 mm
Three Chinese persons stand in various poses. Every face is boyish. The background pattern will be mountains. The dark and light blue colors give warm impression. There is a five-petal symbol at the bottom. A saw-tooth pattern is drawn over the cup's skirt, which is often seen in Imari wares of higher grade as the antique dealer said.